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Wednesday 5 December 2012

Perbedaan Sensor CCD & CMOS

adi sih gue udah Googling-googling, seperti biasa gue sharing disini pake bahasa gue sendiri yah, yang 1/4informal, 3/4 formal & abformal sisanya.
Jadi intinya sensor CMOS dan CCD adalah suatu bagian dari kamera yang berbentuk chip yang fungsinya mengubah cahaya menjadi elektron supaya bisa di simpan dan di proses oleh kamera itu sendiri. CMOS & CCD keduanya merupakan sensor yang berisi jutaan pixel untuk menangkap foton cahaya.

Lalu, apa bedanya ?

Nah mungkin lo semua juga nanya hal yang sama kaya gue guys, gue pun sebenarnya masih sedikit kurang faham, mohon maaf yah kalo ada kesalahan info.
Sensor CMOS (complementary metal oxide semiconductor)
Plus :
  • praktis, keping sensor sudah termasuk rangkaian ADC (camera on a chip)
  • hemat daya berkat integrasi sistem
  • kecepatan proses responsif  (berkat parralel readout structure)
  • tiap piksel punya transistor sendiri sehingga terhindar dari masalah smearing atau blooming
Minus :
  • proses pematangan teknologi (untuk menyamai kualitas CCD perlu biaya besar)
  • piksel dengan transistor didalamnya menurunkan sensitivitas piksel (area penerima cahaya menjadi berkurang)
  • piksel yang mampu mengeluarkan tegangan sendiri kurang baik dalam hal keseragaman kinerja (uniformity)

Sensor CCD (charge coupled device)
Plus :
  • matang secara teknologi
  • desain sensor sederhana (lebih murah)
  • sensitivitas tinggi (termasuk dynamic range)
  • tiap piksel punya kinerja yang sama (uniform)
Minus :
  • desain sistem keseluruhan (CCD plus ADC) jadi lebih rumit dan boros daya
  • kecepatan proses keseluruhan lebih lambat dibanding CMOS
  • sensitif terhadap smearing atau blooming (kebocoran piksel) saat menangkap cahaya terang
Baik sensor CCD maupun sensor CMOS, keduanya sudah cukup lama dikembangkan meski pada awalnya kualitas CMOS memang kalah dibanding dengan CCD. Maka itu CCD awalnya lebih diutamakan untuk dipakai pada kamera digital sementara CMOS hanya ditujukan untuk dipakai di kamera ponsel. Lambat laun riset telah berhasil meningkatkan kualitas sensor CMOS dengan harapan bisa menyamai kualitas sensor CCD. Kini sensor CCD sendiri justru mulai dikembangkan untuk kamera ponsel, sebaliknya sensor CMOS yang semakin disempurnakan mulai diterapkan di kamera digital. Persilangan ini menandakan sudah tidak lagi ada perbedaan berarti dalam hal kualitas gambar antara keduanya. Kini pada kamera DSLR kelas menengah dan atas saat ini sudah memakai sensor CMOS, sementara DSLR ekonomis masih memakai CCD. Sebagian besar kamera non DSLR masih memakai sensor CCD.
Jadi, baik sensor CCD maupun CMOS memang berbeda total secara desain. CCD punya keunggulan dalam hal sensitivitas meski berpotensi terganggu saat berhadapan dengan cahaya terang. CMOS unggul dalam hal kecepatan hingga lebih cocok dipakai di kamera dengan fps (burst) tinggi. Namun keduanya sudah didesain untuk sanggup memberikan hasil foto yang berkualitas tinggi, jadi fokuskan saja pilihan pada hal-hal lain seperti memilih lensa yang berkualitas dan melatih teknik memotret yang baik.
Kira-kira seperti ini perbedaannya
Karena, masih belum terlalu ngeti & takut salah menyampaikan sesuatu, sebagian besar gue salin dari  dengan informasi-informasi tambahan yang gue rasa perlu :) )


Kedua sensor CCD (charge-coupled device) dan CMOS (complimentary metal-oxide semiconductor) berfungsi sama yaitu mengubah cahaya menjadi elektron. Untuk mengetahui cara sensor bekerja kita harus mengetahui prinsip kerja sel surya. Anggap saja sensor yang digunakan di kamera digital seperti memiliki ribuan bahkan jutaan sel surya yang kecil dalam bentuk matrik dua dimensi. Masing-masing sell akan mentransform cahaya dari sebagian kecil gambar yang ditangkap menjadi elektron. Kedua sensor tersebut melakukan pekerjaan tersebut dengan berbagai macam teknologi yang ada.

Langkah berikut adalah membaca nilai dari setiap sel di dalam gambar. Dalam kamera CCD, nilai tersebut dikirimkan ke dalam sebuah chip dan sebuah konverter analog ke digital mengubah setiap nilai piksel menjadi nilai digital. Dalam kamera CMOS, ada beberapa transistor dalam setiap piksel yang memperkuat dan memindahkan elektron dengan menggunakan kabel. Sensor CMOS lebih fleksibel karena membaca setiap piksel secara individual.

Sensor CCD memerlukan proses pembuatan secara khusus untuk menciptakan kemampuan memindahkan elektron ke chip tanpa distorsi. Dalam arti kata sensor CCD menjadi lebih baik kualitasnya dalam ketajaman dan sensitivitas cahaya. Lain halnya, chip CMOS dibuat dengan cara yang lebih tradisional dengan cara yang sama untuk membuat mikroprosesor. Karena proses pembuatannya berbeda, ada beberapa perbedaan mendasar dari sensor CCD dan CMOS.

* Sensor CCD, seperti yang disebutkan di atas, kualitasnya tinggi, gambarnya low-noise. Sensor CMOS lebih besar kemungkinan untuk noise.
* Sensitivitas CMOS lebih rendah karena setiap piksel terdapat beberapa transistor yang saling berdekatan. Banyak foton mengenai transistor dibandingkan diodafoto.
* Sensor CMOS menggunakan sumber daya listrik yang lebih kecil.
* Sensor CCD menggunakan listrik yang lebih besar, kurang lebih 100 kali lebih besar dibandingkan sensor CMOS.
* Chip CMOS dapat dipabrikasi dengan cara produksi mikroprosesor yang umum sehingga lebih murah dibandingkan sensor CCD.
* Sensor CCD telah diproduksi masal dalam jangka waktu yang lama sehingga lebih matang. Kualitasnya lebih tinggi dan lebih banyak pikselnya.

Berdasarkan perbedaan tersebut, Anda dapat lihat bahwa sensor CCD lebih banyak digunakan di kamera yang fokus pada gambar yang high-quality dengan piksel yang besar dan sensitivitas cahaya yang baik. Sensor CMOS lebih ke kualitas dibawahnya, resolusi dan sensitivitas cahaya yang lebih rendah. Akan tetapi pada saat ini sensor CMOS telah berkembang hampir menyamai kemampuan sensor CCD. Kamera yang menggunakan sensor CMOS biasanya lebih murah dan umur baterenya lebih lama.

Saat ini banyak kamera digital murah yang menggunakan sensor CMOS daripada CCD. Apa kelemahan dan kekurangan CMOS dibanding CCD? CMOS memiliki keunggulan dimana ongkos produksi murah sehingga harga kamera lebih terjangkau. Sedangkan CCD memiliki keunggulan dimana sensor lebih peka cahaya, jadi pada kondisi redup (sore/ malam) tanpa bantuan lampu kilat masih bisa mengkap obyek dengan baik, sedangkan pada CMOS sangat buram.

CMOS vs CCD -1

Kamera digital menjadi barang umum mengikuti penurunan harga jualnya. Salah satu penggerak dibalik penurunan harga adalah dengan diperkenalkannya sensor CMOS. Sensor CMOS sangat jauh lebih murah untuk dirakit dibandingkan sensor CCD.

Kedua sensor CCD (charge-coupled device) dan CMOS (complimentary metal-oxide semiconductor) berfungsi sama yaitu mengubah cahaya menjadi elektron. Untuk mengetahui cara sensor bekerja kita harus mengetahui prinsip kerja sel surya. Anggap saja sensor yang digunakan di kamera digital seperti memiliki ribuan bahkan jutaan sel surya yang kecil dalam bentuk matrik dua dimensi. Masing-masing sell akan mentransform cahaya dari sebagian kecil gambar yang ditangkap menjadi elektron. Kedua sensor tersebut melakukan pekerjaan tersebut dengan berbagai macam teknologi yang ada.

Langkah berikut adalah membaca nilai dari setiap sel di dalam gambar. Dalam kamera CCD, nilai tersebut dikirimkan ke dalam sebuah chip dan sebuah konverter analog ke digital mengubah setiap nilai piksel menjadi nilai digital. Dalam kamera CMOS, ada beberapa transistor dalam setiap piksel yang memperkuat dan memindahkan elektron dengan menggunakan kabel. Sensor CMOS lebih fleksibel karena membaca setiap piksel secara individual.

Sensor CCD memerlukan proses pembuatan secara khusus untuk menciptakan kemampuan memindahkan elektron ke chip tanpa distorsi. Dalam arti kata sensor CCD menjadi lebih baik kualitasnya dalam ketajaman dan sensitivitas cahaya. Lain halnya, chip CMOS dibuat dengan cara yang lebih tradisional dengan cara yang sama untuk membuat mikroprosesor. Karena proses pembuatannya berbeda, ada beberapa perbedaan mendasar dari sensor CCD dan CMOS.

  • Sensor CCD, seperti yang disebutkan di atas, kualitasnya tinggi, gambarnya low-noise. Sensor CMOS lebih besar kemungkinan untuk noise.
  • Sensitivitas CMOS lebih rendah karena setiap piksel terdapat beberapa transistor yang saling berdekatan. Banyak foton mengenai transistor dibandingkan diodafoto.
  • Sensor CMOS menggunakan sumber daya listrik yang lebih kecil.
  • Sensor CCD menggunakan listrik yang lebih besar, kurang lebih 100 kali lebih besar dibandingkan sensor CMOS.
  • Chip CMOS dapat dipabrikasi dengan cara produksi mikroprosesor yang umum sehingga lebih murah dibandingkan sensor CCD.
  • Sensor CCD telah diproduksi masal dalam jangka waktu yang lama sehingga lebih matang. Kualitasnya lebih tinggi dan lebih banyak pikselnya.

Berdasarkan perbedaan tersebut, dapat lihat bahwa sensor CCD lebih banyak digunakan di kamera yang fokus pada gambar yang high-quality dengan piksel yang besar dan sensitivitas cahaya yang baik. Sensor CMOS lebih ke kualitas dibawahnya, resolusi dan sensitivitas cahaya yang lebih rendah. Akan tetapi pada saat ini sensor CMOS telah berkembang hampir menyamai kemampuan sensor CCD. Kamera yang menggunakan sensor CMOS biasanya lebih murah dan umur baterenya lebih lama.

Saat ini banyak kamera digital murah yang menggunakan sensor CMOS daripada CCD. Apa kelemahan dan kekurangan CMOS dibanding CCD? CMOS memiliki keunggulan dimana ongkos produksi murah sehingga harga kamera lebih terjangkau. Sedangkan CCD memiliki keunggulan dimana sensor lebih peka cahaya, jadi pada kondisi redup (sore/ malam) tanpa bantuan lampu kilat masih bisa mengkap obyek dengan baik, sedangkan pada CMOS sangat buram.

CCD dibuat dengan lebih sensitif dan dengan responsibility tinggi. itu menyebabkan ISO yg di gunakan paling rendah 200. dengan Kontras yg tinggi membuat sangat Noise pada ISO yg tinggi.

CMOS, tidak sesensitif CCD, dengan power yg rendah mengasilkan Gambar yang rada Soft. dengan kontras yg nggak begitu tinggi, membuat gambar masih terlihat baik di ISO yang tinggi.

Feature and Performance Comparison

Friday 21 September 2012

Hotline and setup GSM modem configuration on Main Console NUUO SCB-IP.

SMS setup

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Please follow the instructions below.
1.) Install a GSM modem to your computer.
2.) Set Hotline:
Please go to [Main Console]->[Config]->[Setting]->[Hotline]->[GSM modem].
Set Port, Baud Rate, Pin Code and Interval in this window.

3.) Set Address Book:
Please go to [Main Console]->[Config]->[Setting]->[Address Book].
Set Name, Phone, E-mail and Description.
Click on [Add] to add person into the Contact Person list.

4.) Set Guard:
Please go to [Main Console]->[Guard].
Select a camera and click on [New] to add an event.
Click on [Event] and then click [Action]
Choose [Send a SMS message] and double click it to select a contactor.

5.) Start Smart Guard:
Please go to [Main Console]->[Start]->[Start Smart Guard]

Supported GSM modem model for Nuuo

GSM modem

Supported GSM modem model

  • D-Link DWM-152 (supported in NVR IP+ 3.4.1)
  • D-Link DWM-156 (supported in NVR IP+ 3.4.1)
  • Wavecom FASTRACK M1206 GSM/GPRS Modem.


  • Dual Band GSM modem (EGSM900/1800 MHz) designed for data, fax, SMS and voice applications
  • Fully Type Approved and fully compliant with ETSI GSM Phase 2+ specifications (Normal MS)
  • GSM/GPRS class 10, Coding Schemes: CS1 to CS4, Compliant with SMG31bis, Optional embedded TCP/IP stack
  • Short Messages Services features Text and PDU, Point to point (MT/MO), and Cell Broadcast
  • GSM 07.05 and 07.07 AT commands
Fastrack m1206.jpg
Instrument to install GSM modem:
1.) Connect modem to computer with series data cable.
2.) Insert the SIM card inside the GSM modem
3.) Connect series data cable to computer(RS232 port), if your motherboard only support USB interface, you may need purchase a USB to RS232 cable.
Usb to rs232.jpg
4.) Connect the power of GSM modem.
5.) Make sure the modem work, a red LED (light-emitting diode) is supposed to flash at the front.
Gsm modem light.jpg
6.) Install the driver of GSM modem in computer
7.) If modem connects to computer and its driver is installed successfully, you can see the COM port of your GSM modem in Windows device manager.
Gsm modem port.jpg
8.) Go to Mainconsole->hotline and setup GSM modem configuration.

Common Default TCP NUUO Port

These are the default TCP NUUO ports:

HTTP Port: 80
Live Streaming Port: 5150
Remote Playback Port: 5160
Remote Desktop Port: 5140
CMS Server Port: 5170
NCS Port: 5180
Matrix Server Port: 5210
3GPP(Windows PDAs): 554

NVRMini HTTP port: 80
FTP Command port: 21

Note: You should change default ports to satisfy your network configutaion. Example: if GeoVision system is on the same network it will use Port 80 too.

NUUO CMS Installation & Setup

NUUO CMS Installation & Setup 
  Here I will try to summerize my experience with the new NUUO CMS installation and setup. I installed it in our lab on 2 different subnets.

I downloaded trial version of Software. Make sure computers meet system requirement. Here are the components of CMS:

NCS System:
All components of NUUO Central Management system.

Main Console:
Front end servers of the NUUO Central Management system, consisting of NUUO NVR/NDVR/DVR Main Console systems which send events to NCS Alarm Server.

SQL Server:
Database of NUUO Central Management system, which backs up alarm logs.

NCS Alarm Server:
Alarm Server of NUUO Central Management system, which filters events in order to send out alarms, and saves configuration of NCS system. Abbreviate NCS Server or Alarm Server.

NCS Client:
Client end software of NUUO Central Management system, which is used to log in to the Alarm Server.

NCS Matrix:
Video Matrix to view live video, controlled by NCS Client.

System requirement: MS Windows XP Pro SP2 / 2003, Intel Core 2 Quad Q6660 @ 2400MHz, 2 GB RAM, 250GB HDD, ATi X1600 or above, nVIDIA GeForce 7000series or above Graphics, 100/1000 LAN.

I installed all components on one server following their order on 1st screen and made it work and accepted defaults. The Matrix
server was tricky to work.

Start "CMS", "live Streaming" server, "Remote Playback", and "Remote Desktop" on the Main Console, select "Guard" configure alarm and send it to CMS.

Next, Configure SQL by selecting Protocols for CMALARMLOG, right-click TCP/IP and then select Enable, Double-click TCP/IP and select the IP Addresses tab. Enter 1433 as the TCP port in IP1, IP2, and IPAll, and then click OK. Now restart SQL.

Open "NCS Alarm Server", connect it to SQL server and make sure it's started in the "Main" tab. Leave it running in the Task Bar.

Open NCS Client and put the IP address of NCS server. Default username is Admin, password is blank. I will explain more later.

Finally, there are 2 Matix systems. One is the server that needs to be open before you execute Client Matrix.

The NCS client has several screens to configure. Configure your default server, Matrix server and alarms. The System Control window includes Server, Config, Matrix, and MapView sub-windows.

When you add a Matrix server, you should load cameras to it and right click on it to select synchronize. Refer to manual for more.

NUUO Triple Monitor Setup

NUUO Triple Monitor Setup
It is possible to setup 3 display monitors on a NUUO DVR server. 2 monitors for Live View and 1 for the PlayBack. NUUO says "Install 2 Video cards of the exact same brand & model". However, H.264 capture card videos can only be displayed on the Primary Monitor.

Connect 1st monitor to DVI port, and 2nd monitor to DSUB on the first video card. Then connect 3rd monitor into a DVI port on the 2nd monitor.

Setup Windows to use triple monitors, by going to Display Properties and Settings. Select 2nd monitor and click "extend my Desktop into this monitor". Select 3rd monitor and do the same thing.

Now come to the NUUO Main Console: Click Config/Setting/Monitor Display. Click on Primary and add any camera that will be shown on the Primary monitor - also remove any cameras not to show there.

Click on Secondry tab and add cameras to be displayed on the Secondry monitor. Click the dropdown at [Run Playback on Monitor] and Select [3], to have Playback on Monitor 3. Click OK to save all.

Now click on Start/Enable Secondary Monitor and click on Playback.

It's also possibe to display Live or Remote Live Video on all 3 monitors (with only version 3.0 or later).

How do I set multiple storage paths for video recording?

How do I set multiple storage paths for video recording?
Our main console allow you to set up several hard disk drives as the storage location. When the first hard disk is almost full (the capacity is less than 800MB on system disks or 100MB on non-system disks), main console will try to find a second storage with enough capacity.

If no more capacity is available, main console will start recycling if auto-recycling is enabled.

If auto-recycling is not enabled, recording will stop.

Please go to [Main Console]->[Config]->[General]->[Storage Location] to modify your settings.

[Image: 400px-Storage.JPG]

Multiple Views of one Camera

IP+ series
* If you connect to IP cameras via our NVR, you can set different channels to the same video source. You can also enable our digital PTZ function on the channels to monitor different regions from the video source.

1.) Right-click on a blank channel and choose the camera you want to see.
[Image: 400px-Multiple-view-ip-1.jpg]

[Image: 400px-Multiple-view-ip-2.jpg]

SCB-1000, 2000, 3000, 4000
* If you connect to analog cameras via our SCB-1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 series, you can also enable our digital PTZ function on the channels to monitor different regions from the video source.

1.) Right-click on the video of interest, and enable digital PTZ.
[Image: 400px-Enable-digital-ptz-1.jpg]

2.) You can roll your mousewheel to zoom in and zoom out.
[Image: 400px-Enable-digital-ptz-2.jpg]

* If you connect to analog cameras via our SCB-5000, since video is processed directly on the cards and transferred directly to screen, you can not have multiple views of analog cameras and digital PTZ. However, you can branch out the video source to more then one BNC cable, so that you can see more than one identical video source on your screen.

NUUO License Management

NUUO Tech Notes-Special Edition
License Management Tool

NUUO Tech Notes-Special Edition 1
License Management Tool 1
Contents 1
Overview 2
Definition 2
Use cases about on-line license 2
Use case 1—Move NUUO NVR/DVR to another server 2
Use case 2—HDD broken 2
Use case 3—Change HDD 2
Use case 4—Reinsall OS 3
Use case 5—Multi-OS 3
Use case 6—Multi-network adaptor 3
Use case 7—Change network adaptor 3
Use case 8—Use wireless network 3
General Error Message Table 3
Procedures 3
License Management Tool Overview 3
Activate license 3
Activation Online 3
Activation Off line 3
Transfer License 3
Transfer On line 3
Transfer Off line 3

In this document, NUUO provides the instruction of on-line license and troubleshooting steps. After reading this document, you will be able to diagnose common problems and solve them.
Serial number (SN): A set of 16-digit hexadecimal number such as 12AB-EF23-EC56-1376
License: In version 3.2, NUUO use serial number as license for IP cameras
Activate: To start use SN and the status of SN will be activated. Once SN is activated that mean this SN is occupied.
Transfer: To make the status of SN to “ready.” User can activate this SN when the status is ready.

Use cases about on-line license
Use case 1—Move NUUO NVR/DVR to another server

One SN can be used once at the same time, if the status of this SN is activated, user cannot use this SN in another computer.
If you have activated the license in computer A, and now you want to use the same license to run NUUO NVR in computer B, you need finish the license transfer in computer A first and import this SN in computer B. You can refer the following topics to transfer license
You need to transfer the SN from computer A and import it into computer B.

Use case 2—HDD broken
System drive
No matter in which drive you install NUUO software. If the system drive is broken user needs contact NUUO service and provide us SN and MAC address of network adaptor. We will assist you to recover your license.

Non-system drive
If you install NUUO software in non-system drive and it is broken, you can replace a new HDD and install the NUUO software again, it will not affect the license; the license information will remain.

Use case 3—Change HDD
System drive:
No matter in which drive you install NUUO software.
, before you change the system drive, user needs transfer SN first, after replacement, you can activate this SN again.

If you have already change HDD without transferring SN, please contact NUUO service and provide us SN and MAC address of network adaptor. We will assist you about the license problem.
Non-system drive:
If you install NUUO software in non-system drive and you want to replace this HDD, it will not affect the license, you can replace a new HDD and install the NUUO software again, the license information will remain.

Use case 4—Reinsall OS
Before reinstall OS, you need transfer the license first and please remember your serial number because you will need it when you re-activate the license.

If you have reinstalled OS, but you didn’t transfer the license, please contact NUUO service service@nuuo.comand provide serial number and MAC address to us, we will assist you about the license issue.

Use case 5—Multi-OS
If you have 2 partitions HDD:
a) With XP Professional
b) With Windows Vista
If you want to install IP+ software in both OS, you may need:
1. Purchase two licenses for these two OS
2. Use the same license for two OS, but you need transfer the license first and activate it again in another OS, A serial number cannot be transferred more than 3 times. Otherwise, it will be blocked from being transferred again.

Use case 6—Multi-network adaptor
If there are several network cards in one PC, please keep one wired network card available and remove other interfaces such as WIFI, PCMCIA, USB-NIC before registering NUUO software. When you register NUUO software, the information of network card is recorded. Software will verify this network card when every time user logs in main console, Please use the same network card with which you register your serial number. Otherwise, main console will issue an error message: 'license invalid'

Use case 7—Change network adaptor
When you activate a serial number, the mac address of your network adaptor and hard drive ID will be recorded. If the configuration of your system is changed, the license becomes invalid.

Use case 8—Use wireless network
Please do not use wireless network on the server, we do not recommend you register an online license with a wireless card. Because a wireless card can be easily deactivated or removed, when the wireless card is deactivated or turned off and you connect through another network card. NUUO software cannot recognize the card you are connecting with, and the registered license will be invalid.
General Error Message Table
Error message Troubleshooting

The license is invalid.
(Error code:268435460) Computer configuration is changed. Please transfer license first and activate again
The license is invalid.
(Error code:268435464) Computer configuration is changed, please transfer license first and activate again
SN (%s) is invalid. (Error code:10) The SN is doesn’t exist, please make sure you import correct SN or contact with NUUO service
SN (%s) has been activated. (Error code:11)
The SN is activated, please make sure you import correct SN or contact with NUUO service
SN (%s) is invalid. (Error code:20)
The SN has been transferred more than 3 times, please contact with NUUO service
SN is invalid. (Error code:1) Network problem, please try again later

SN is invalid. (Error code:2) Network problem, please try again later

SN is invalid. (Error code:3) Network problem, please try again later


The license should be registered first before operating the formal version of NUUO software.

Execute the License Management Tool to activate the license from dongle or serial number associated with the software package, or transfer the license then bring it to another PC and activate it again.

Whatever you do, please always remember your SN number

There are 4 types of license management process:
1. Activation On line: in order to activate the license with PC connected to internet.
2. Activation Off line: in order to activate the license with PC not connected to internet.
3. Transfer On line: in order to transfer the license with PC connected to internet
4. Transfer Off line: in order to transfer the license with PC not connected to internet.
Please refer below topics for the detail steps of each process.

License Management Tool Overview

Execute “License Manager” in config menu or “Activate Tool. exe” installation folders.

Activate panel

Transfer panel

Activate license

Activation Online
Step 1: Open “License Manager” Tool.
Step 2: Select “On line” as Activate type.
Step 3: Input the “SN (Serial number)”or “Import SN file” or “Activate from dongle”, and then click on“Activate” button. If you want to activate from dongle, please make sure the dongle is connected to PC properly until activation is finished.

Step 4: Restart MainConsole if activated successfully.

Activation Off line
Step 1: Open “License Manager” Tool.
Step 2: Select “Off line” as Activate type.

Step 3: Input the “SN (Serial number)”or “Import SN file” or “Activate from dongle”, and then click on“Activate” button. If you want to activate from dongle, please make sure the dongle is connected to PC properly until activation is finished.

Step 4: When click on activate, it will prompt a window to ask where you want to save the off line license files, please make a new folder, say offline license, to save these files then click on OK. Please remember to take this folder to another PC which is connected to Internet.

Step 5: In another PC which is connected to internet, in folder off line license please find a file named OffLineTool.exe and execute it, click “Activate” to send request file to license server.

Step 6: When click on activate, it will prompt a windows to ask where you want to save “License file”. Please remember to take this license file to original computer which is not connected to internet.

Step 7: Go back to the original computer which is not connected to internet and open “License Manager” Tool again, select “Import license file” and its path, then click “Activate” button to activate.

Step 8: NUUO program will be restarted if license is activated successfully.

Transfer License

Transfer On line

Step 1: Open “License Manager” Tool.
Step 2: Select “Transfer” Tab, and then check “On line” as Transfer type.
NOTE: Please remember the SN before it is transferred
Step 3: Select “SN" and click on “Transfer” button.

Step 4: Restart MainConsole if license is transferred successfully.

Transfer Off line

Step 1: Open “License Manager” Tool.
Step 2: Select “Transfer” Tab, and then check “Off line” as Transfer type.
NOTE: Please remember the SN before it is transferred
Step 3: Select “SN”, and then click “Transfer” button to transfer SN.

Step 4: When click on transfer, it will prompt a window to ask where you want to save the off line license files, please make a new folder such as off line license to save these files then click on OK. Please remember to take this folder to another PC which is connected to Internet.

Step 5: In another PC which is connected to internet, in folder off line license please find a file named OffLineTool.exe and execute it, click “Transfer” to send request file to license server.

Step 7: Check Transfer Completed.

Also check this link: